congrats kepada kawan-kawan yg dah start wat degree.
hurm. me too!! (kepada syamim, sila rasa jeles kerana tidak join saya)
blaja rajin-rajin eyh kawan-kawan..
ooooo. diana!! ko kutuk tenet utp yg laju cam formula 1 tu eyh. ceyh!!
rindu kamu semua!!!
ketika ini, kita mgkin sibuk mengejar ilmu.. kite telah ditakdirkn begitu.. aku dan kau juga sama.. kita yg memilihnya.. tp, apa y tlh berlalu kini mnjadi sejarah n akan terpahat smpi bila2..
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
kawan2 ku syg....

hai kwn2..hehe..rindu la korunk..
da smingu aku kt u..ok la..
bole la..hehe..
n alhamdulillah..aku bole tdo nyenyk da..
coz aku da dapt laluan idup aku..
which is to become a dentist..
as i am a dental student now..
aku rase dlm klas kte aku ngn linda je kot yg amek dentist..
da rest mostly mdik n engineering....ok abbad amek law..
alhamdulillah again..
kte sume skrg da cam nmpk future msg2..
yg tngl work hard to grad successfully..ok..!
tom kol td die kte die ngn pelot plan nk g kua jalan2 kl..
besnye..x sabar nk jmpe kwn kesayangn aku 2..
rindu sngt2..
lgpon sume skrg da dkt2...
n sume2 la..
izwan n bdk mesir pon da nk kmbali ke tanah air..haha
epi sngt..
to cik bal..dun wori..
aku sngt yakin bond btween us x pnh putus..
becoz deep in heart i believe dat each of us sti; rememba
each other..rite..
hope so..hehe.
to paijah..npe lame ko x tlis blog..
wi fi kt utp tergendala ke..
hehe(ceh berlagak mntg2 wi fi ukm bgos kn..)haha
n rjin2 taw update blog korg..
hai..kang anak cucu kte taw nk bce blog ni..hehe
(gatal nk beranak..)
pape pon..
lets strugle
4 da bes..
5 taun nanti arap sume da brjaye..
jgn lupe reunion besar besaran..
tgk..sape kwen dlu erk..
dats all.
da cun..
teka r sndrik..
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Bond Between Us
Assalamualaikum and
Hmm.. it's been a while since i post sumthing here. None the less the fact that this blog is getting more silent than ever. Idk people. Maybe the fact that less classmates did actually knew about the blog's existance or less did actually care. Omg. Sorry, i didn't meant to judge people.
We knew that once we're out from Tgb, finished our SPM, get what we want or precisely working for what we aimed for since we're lil' kids; they are no turning back. But sometimes just don't forget the ones that mesmerized us once back at the past. I've got this quote while i watched MJ's Memorial in 8tv last night where one of his family member said this, "Eyes are blind. u have to look in your heart . what is important is invisible". Give it some thought people.
Bottom line is, I know and we know that every one is getting busier with their own studies but please do keep the bond with each other. One of it is through this blog. The fact that i din't have all my classmates current hp no and fb account limits our friendship bonds. That's how i felt. So i hope that i could read some of my classmates' post here ok.
I ♥ u 411 and 511
Hmm.. it's been a while since i post sumthing here. None the less the fact that this blog is getting more silent than ever. Idk people. Maybe the fact that less classmates did actually knew about the blog's existance or less did actually care. Omg. Sorry, i didn't meant to judge people.
We knew that once we're out from Tgb, finished our SPM, get what we want or precisely working for what we aimed for since we're lil' kids; they are no turning back. But sometimes just don't forget the ones that mesmerized us once back at the past. I've got this quote while i watched MJ's Memorial in 8tv last night where one of his family member said this, "Eyes are blind. u have to look in your heart . what is important is invisible". Give it some thought people.
Bottom line is, I know and we know that every one is getting busier with their own studies but please do keep the bond with each other. One of it is through this blog. The fact that i din't have all my classmates current hp no and fb account limits our friendship bonds. That's how i felt. So i hope that i could read some of my classmates' post here ok.
I ♥ u 411 and 511
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