Wednesday, January 28, 2009

aku da 19.....ahhhhhh

thanx to pejah..
aku gal plg senior ek lam clas..hehehe..
umo da meningkat..
cmne ni..
da leh kawen..hehhe

Monday, January 26, 2009

diana kini lanjut usia..


SWEET 19..

ko mmg cpi mtlamat idup ah..
berjaya meng"ayu"kn diri..
gua tabik la sma kamoo..

luv u muahhhhhh...

from faizah~
miss u babe!
~pics 2 sume ak cri zmn knk2 comot ko..
btw, ko je eh . not me.. :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

|IQIN| My Current Life...

hahaha...mmndgkn sume org nk cte psl diri sendiri...
ape kate kite berhenti sbntr n dgr cte aku plak!wakakaka
aku mls nk tulis english so aku gn BI(bahasa ibunda) je ah eh!
as some of you know (alah..terkeluar plak hihi)....
aku study kt Unity College International PJ (kalo nk lwt no hal!)
hidup aku skrg sgt la bese...same old same old!
kehidupan tipikal seorang student! assignments, presentations, tutorials, etc.
dh big deal...sume org pon gtu x??
rutin harianku...bgn pg...solat...nek bas...lectures (in between tu solat la)...
blek...solat maghrib...tgk brite jap...solat sket or x...tdo...
n the rutine continues...hahaha
n memndgkan sume org nk tunjuk gmbr msg2...aku pon xnk tertinggal gak kn...
so here's some of my pics that i took recently...

ni aku n two of my housemates tgh tunggu bas utk blek ke kondo...

ni aku mse kuar men bowling anjuran ktorg pny council mmbrs...(my team won first place!!!)

sape2 yg berminat nk tau lbih lnjut psl ape yg berlaku dlm idup aku or nk bc ape2 yg aku mengarut...bleh la visit blog aku... (

new skin!

ere, i just wanna say sorry coz aku dh tukar skin blog kite..
i hope u all akn suke..
n spe2 y xsuke bleh tukar blek.. no worry..
n 4 sesape y dh ltk link dyeorg, n dh terdelete..
bley letak blek.. thx..
mrilah kite sme2 meriahkn blog ney ek..


Friday, January 23, 2009


da rmai erk org kt blog nie..
bru meriah...
hehe..actually today aku pegi lepak kt kuala tganu wif my fwends kt sne..but xtaw npe
hum..there's sumting happen..uh...
really hate when i am in da middle..hum..n i need to ma8 da decision....(cam ingat poem da roads not taken je...)between him...or her..
rindunya kwn2 lame..
korg besh..
its hard to find true fwends like all of u.......
hum.. nyway..mish all of u guys... kuliah kita segera..hehhe


tentang aku plak..

sume org dh cite psl diri memasing..
ak pn nk join ah..

aku skrg dh kt utp..tronoh..perak..

2nd foundation..

going 2 be an electrical n electronics engineering soon..

ere, some pics 2 show bout my life now..

ni je la ek.. huhu..
btw.. mne org len?? nk taw cite org len gak..


from abbad :)

hai guys
its like im d first guy yg tulis kt blog ni
(bangge nye)
1st..thnx to faizah for creating diz blog..
great idea.. thou,aku sgt mlz nk blogging2 ni
sbb aku sgt mls bt pape skrg

thnx kt kwn2 yg stil stay contct
rmai yg contact aku
tharu jgk
juz nk inform dat i'll slowly x gune my maxis
coz im using 2 numbers skrg
susa sket nk pkai 2 numbers
well,faizah suh aku tulis bout my new life
mmm,aku skrg stdy kt uitm kedah
sgt jao dr umah aku
tp dkt dgn umah tom
amek law
part 2 skrg
truk..byk tido je..mcm kt mrsm dulu.. hihi
i'll be stdyg there until d end of diz year
wich hpefly dpt amek dgr3 kt Shah alam
mmm,clz m8 dgn ieja
(sje nk ckp jgk) :P
i dun noe ape nk ckp.. but i'll put sum of my pic kt sini..
tgk la..
-thnx coz bc.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

i'm still here

Salam..ahaha ni lah post pertama ak kat blog ni. Well, as we know mmg msg2 dh bz ngan life msg2..hrp2 through diz blog la kt leh reconnect with each other blk.. wah ayat x leh blah...

btw nothing much nk cite psl ak..
erm so far alhamdulillah sihat...cume bdn maintain kurus..huhu... ak pun x taw nape x naik2...
dh msk utp ni pun lg krs kot coz each lecture cam sebatu jauhnye...

" nk dpt kete ni.".. ahaha
... REALITY: lesenpun x de lg...

Alhamdulillah skang ni ak dh menjejakkan kaki ke dunia undergrad... ape yg ak sedar smkn tinggi kt blaja smkn bdh rasenye.. hehe i mean cm byk gl yg x taw & of course mkn ssh... undeniable la course yg ak amik ni hmm... skt gak la tp ak pegang prinsip turn pressure to pleasure fun nk blaja... kla akpun x taw nk cite ape lg.. nanti ak update lg la klu de pape cer.. k adios..muax.... syg krg..heeeeeeeeeeee

p/s: So here i put some latest pics of me time cuti new year ari 2... hehe same je kan.. x byk brubahpun.... :) xoxo

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


huhuhu....rndu gler2 kt korg sume.....
ble la kte dpt jmpe lg.....sob3...
erm...ak nk wish epi belated n becoming burfday kt korg yg lahir bln 12 or 1...
rmai bln 1 kn....tkt tlupe nk ak x lpe kt korg.....huhu...

lurve u all...mmmuahh3x!!!!


me...da diana......

thanx to paejah...pergh..buat blog lg erk ko..
terharu siot..
nk cte pe bout my life..
g2 jela.....
kng aku buat msuk my pic bnyk2 k..
n mane bdk2 laen nie...
pdhl labtop da sorg satu..

nyway mish all u guys....



during ari raya in KMPh....


Sunday, January 18, 2009

cane neh..

anyone can settle dis problem??
perasan x kite nye blog neh xbley comment..
i dont have any idea how 2 settle dis..
can anyone make something???


Did I Do Something Wrong???

Selame 10 bulan aku xjumpe klasmate2 511 dlu dan 10 bulan tu jugak la aku cm dh lost contact ngan korg...knpe aku kate kte dh lost contact?...sbbnye aku rs cm diri aku dh dilupekan oleh korg sume...sori la kalo aku melalut n mengarut but itulah yang aku rs skrg ni...aku tau and paham yg korg sume dh msuk universiti n kolej yg berbeza and some of us msuk ke tmpt same but aku mntk la sgt korg ingat kt aku slalu ye!!!aku pon dh lame xterima msg2 n comment2 yg best2 slame ni...aku tau yg aku pon jrg bg comment2 kt korg n aku mintak maaf la sgt2 ye!!!I'll try my best to keep in touch with all of you!!kpd mereka yg ade msg n bg komen kt aku...aku ucapkan terima kasih la sgt2 kt korg especially Faizah, Linda, Aisyah, Balqees, etc. yg len tu pon terima kasih gak sbb jd kwn aku yg best lg rock slme ni...Oh!kpd mereka yg ade bg birthday wish kt aku tu aku ucapkan ribuan n jutaan terima kasih sbb korg ingat lg birthday aku...aku memang terharu la sbb ye la kn...time tu aku mmg sorg2 je...xde kwn...parents pi haji...kwn sume tgh cuti...aku je melayan blues kt kondo tmpt aku tinggal skrg...huhuhu...selain tu aku nk mintak maaf kt mereka yg kalo aku terlepas birthday korg ke ape sbb aku ade byk kwn n aku xmmpu nk ingat sume org pny birthday SORI!!!

Yours Sincerely,

Saturday, January 17, 2009

igt lagi x??

igt lagi x kenangan kite dulu2??
best nye kalo dpt cam dlu lg ek..

ak rindu la time kite kumpul lg~
~511 07 forever...


aku harap dgn ade nye blog neh kite xkn lost contact lg..
kite bley rapat cam dulu lg ek..
miss u guys..
ak harap sume leh take part eh..
