hai guys
its like im d first guy yg tulis kt blog ni
(bangge nye)
1st..thnx to faizah for creating diz blog..
great idea.. thou,aku sgt mlz nk blogging2 ni
sbb aku sgt mls bt pape skrg
thnx kt kwn2 yg stil stay contct
rmai yg contact aku
tharu jgk
juz nk inform dat i'll slowly x gune my maxis
coz im using 2 numbers skrg
susa sket nk pkai 2 numbers
well,faizah suh aku tulis bout my new life
mmm,aku skrg stdy kt uitm kedah
sgt jao dr umah aku
tp dkt dgn umah tom
amek law
part 2 skrg
truk..byk tido je..mcm kt mrsm dulu.. hihi
i'll be stdyg there until d end of diz year
wich hpefly dpt amek dgr3 kt Shah alam
mmm,clz m8 dgn ieja
(sje nk ckp jgk) :P
i dun noe ape nk ckp.. but i'll put sum of my pic kt sini..
tgk la..

-thnx coz bc.
yay! ko sebut name aku gak..
name aku x sebut...hehehe
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